Edens Zero (stylized as EDENS ZERO) is a Japanese science fiction manga series written and illustrated by Hiro Mashima. It has been serialized in Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine since June 2018, with its chapters collected into fourteen tankōbon volumes as of March 2021. The story follows a boy named Shiki Granbell who embarks on a voyage aboard the titular starship across different planets in search of a cosmic goddess known as "Mother". The manga is published digitally in six other languages as they are released in Japan, with Kodansha USA licensing the series for English publication in North America on Crunchyroll, Comixology, and Amazon Kindle. An anime television series adaptation produced by J.C.Staff is scheduled to premiere in April 2021. A video game adaptation by Konami has also been announced
Episode 17 = 480 720
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